Why Moisturize
My girlfriends always wonder why I never run when it starts to rain. They will all be running helter-skelter to find an umbrella or anything to cover their relaxed hair while I take my time. I jokingly tell them that the rain is good for my hair. The rain is an opportunity to give my mane a moisture boost.
Whereas many of us love our natural hair to bits, very few are willing to spend time taking care of and pampering it. We want the hair to grow but are too lazy to moisturize it. “Oh please, I do not have time to moisturize my hair twice a day. That is too much work…” they go on and on. The next time they meet you, they will exclaim at how soft your hair is and how theirs is hard and breaking
The first step to a healthy mane is keeping it moisturized. The same way your body needs food thrice or twice a day is the same way you ought to feed your hair. I know that this may sound old school, but you will be amazed at the results. Moisturizing Afro hair requires more than slathering on oil and calling it a day. Understanding your hair, customizing your routine, and getting the right products are key to curls that are healthy and a joy to look at.
Whether you have thick, coarse hair or thin, fine strands, moisturizing your hair is an important key to maintaining hair health. Dry, un-moisturized hair is the root cause of most hair issues. Hair is just like skin. The same way you cleanse, exfoliate and constant facials is the exact way you ought to pamper your hair because it requires just as much maintenance and dehydration can become very disastrous.
If you have had split ends, breakage and dryness in your hair, it is an indicator of lack of moisture. If you wouldn’t dream of not moisturizing your skin, why would you skip out on moisturizing your hair? Your hair needs as much moisture as possible. It is advisable that you use a moisturizing shampoo at least once a week.
A clarifying shampoo is an important part of a natural hair regimen but is to be used only once a month to reset the hair to a state where it can readily receive products used on it. Due to all the moisturizing agents people use like conditioners, styling creams, and gels; the moisturizing shampoos do not completely cleanse off all the product build that piles on your scalp over time.
The hair remains coated and in a way, the products you use cease to be effective because of the invisible product build on our strands; at this rate, nothing much can get in. The one month clarifying helps to completely cleanse the hair of all it’s been holding onto and hence resetting it to a clean slate so your other products can work effectively on your hair
Aside from that, it is advisable that you always seal in your moisture by applying shear butter or castor oil on your scalp. You should also sleep with a satin bonnet or pillow on your head, avoid manipulating the hair and stay away from heat as much as you can. In a short while, you should be able to notice a change in your hair. It will be much softer, break less and much healthier, with more volume. Always do regular porosity tests and deep conditioning to keep track of your hair health.
The major keyword? Moisturize! That is the natural hair way!
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